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Conservative Revolution

Britain and the world’s oldest conservative think tank

Conservative Revolution

Britain and the world’s oldest conservative think tank

About Us

The Bow Group is the UK and the World’s oldest conservative think tank. Founded in 1951, the Bow Group exists to publish the research of its members, stimulate policy debate through an events programme and to provide an intellectual home to conservatives in the United Kingdom and beyond. The Bow Group represents all strands of conservative opinion.

Our Group

Mission & Vision

The Bow Group is chiefly engaged in the policy making process in the UK and around the world. The Bow Group seeks to contribute to, influence, and hold to scrutiny the wider conservative movement.


The Bow Group aims to advocate the philosophy of conservatism in Britain and throughout the world via our programme of events, conferences, research papers, articles, partnerships, and outreach.

We offer an intellectual home to conservatives as a community and as a forum to discuss and promote their conservative ideas.


The Bow Group reaches 60,000 people a week directly, and over 30 million people a week via traditional media. We are ranked as the third most recognised think tank in the United Kingdom, and have for 70 years shaped the conservative narrative at home and abroad as the world’s oldest conservative think tank.


What We Do & How

The Bow Group aims to preserve the academic rigour of its policy papers, whilst promoting an inclusive environment for political thought; to cleverly brand policy ideas without compromising the political ideas that underlie them; to work with the political parties of the day but not to shy away from pointing out their weaknesses. Most importantly, the Group aims to provide an excellent service to its members and to enable them to have a direct impact on political discourse and the life of the nation.

The Bow Group is chiefly engaged in the policy making process in the UK, which it seeks to contribute to, influence, and hold to scrutiny of the wider conservative movement.

In doing so the Group has four clear objectives:

  • To publish members’ work.
  • To arrange meetings, debates and conferences.
  • To provide research about political and social problems.
  • To contribute to the formation of national policy.