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Conservative Revolution

Britain and the world’s oldest conservative think tank

Conservative Revolution

Britain and the world’s oldest conservative think tank

The Bow Group Senior Patron Sir John Redwood in Conversation at the IEA

Jun 14, 2019 | Broadcast Media, News, Print Media

The Bow Group Senior Patron, Sir John Redwood MP discussed the rise of populist movements across Western politics at the Institute of Economic Affairs. Sir John touched on issues covered in his new book ‘We Don’t Believe You: Why Populists Reject the Establishment’, including an examination of the factors behind the decline of established political parties, and whether the institutions of the West can adapt to the new public mood. In the book he examines the causes of the big gap that developed between what the government does and what the voters want done. Both problems and solutions are perceived very differently by the two sides.

He spoke of disappointments caused by religious wars in the Middle East and the consequences that stem from those wars. He also took us through the fallout from the banking crash of 2008-9, as well as the failure to return real incomes to the pre-crisis pace.

The Euro and the impact of its introduction, levels of migration, global warming, Brexit, social media and the thought police were all touched on, as well as the connections between big business and big government and their scorn for democracy. 

Buy the book here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dont-Believe-You-Establishment-Differently/dp/1095254952/ref=sr_1_1?crid=E357GMH2QM4O&keywords=we+dont+believe+you+john+redwood&qid=1560477715&s=gateway&sprefix=we+dont+%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-1